Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Killoren Campaign: Negotiations and conquest

As Rydar and his companions have reached the Killoren Settlement, they were rather welcomed cautiously. Daken-argas, the draconian cleric, and Leoric Stoneclaw, the catfolk monk, were able to talk to the leader of the Killoren Settlement. Rydar didn't join because he wasn't appointed to be a negotiator and he has resentment towards the Empire's intentions. Rydar awaits patiently while the draonic cleric and the catfolk continue their negotiations.

The Killoren Leader seems to have heard enough and retreats back to discuss the negotiations with his people's council. They discussed possibilities of surrending at the same time evacuating some of the Killoren to the mountains. The Killoren were promised to become part of the Empire rather than being slaves, for this was the reason why the Killoren are at war with the Empire. The council members had to make their the decision: yield to the promises of the draconian of "unity" or continue to hold ground against the Empire.

The Killoren leader emerged with an announcement to his people and to the negotiators. The Killorens have decided to surrender to the Empire, with the promises of the draconian of not being treated as slaves but as part of a growing nation. The Senestrians have gotten word of the surrender and have congratulated Daken for his efforts. Rydar, Leoric and Daken were told to return to the encampment and make preparations for the journey back to the captial. What seems to be a peaceful negotiation ended when the Senestrian officer sent an order... to burn the Killoren settlement down to the ground!

Rydar noticed a bright light behind him and smoke above at the same time. Looking burning, he was shocked to see the Killoren Settlement being burned down. Not a moment to spare, he immediately ran to the burning settlement. Upon reaching what is now a ruin, he broke into tears seeing the numerous dead bodies that the Empire's forces had caused. Rydar laments as he comes across one dead body after another and finds an item of interest: a pendant once belonging to a Killoren. He picks it up and keeps, as a reminder of this dreadful event. Lamenting more won't bring the dead back and Rydar returns to the encampment, not joining the camaraderie that the others are into. The Empire's armies are joyous to the conquest but Rydar doesn't feel the same, for the same thing has been done to his people before ending up as a gladiator and a soldier for the Empire.

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